Want to know more about my philosophy behind running a successful online business, personal coaching program, and podcast? Let me share a little story of how I managed to make a whole salary's worth ($75k) in ONE salt sale during the pandemic.

And I have to say - this happened because for the first time ever, I decided I don't want to do things alone anymore. I decided to find the right people and put them in the right roles. I no longer tried to "do it all myself" as a way to validate my own self worth.
I was recently a guest on Brooke Collin's Podcast, Desperately Seeking Self, focused on getting the confidence to live the life you deserve. And it's funny, a lot of women I speak to always ask me how do I manage to be fearless and confident, and it's not that I'm without fear, I just don't sit in feelings of fear for very long.
When asked about how I help others overcome fear, I spoke about my Fear Setting Exercise that focuses more on the cost of inaction, of not actually doing what you really want to do, those feelings of resentfulness, of not taking the step at all, as the ultimate failure. Because if you actually did take the first step and didn't make a dime, 100% you'd feel accomplished for even trying than to have never taken the first step at all.

On top of that, the real trick to confidence is admitting your strengths as well as your faults. And finding the right people to pick you up by empowering them in the roles you are weak at. In this interview I tell Brooke that I searched for Amanda 2.0 by outlining everything I wasn't, and the outcome was finding Amanda 5.0 - an absolute superstar partner that I trusted would deliver a superior product than myself. If that isn't the best form of confidence I don't know what is.
I talk about "pivoting" my business during the pandemic and hitting a wall trying to do everything myself. Once I gave myself the space to actually focus on what I was best at doing and empowering others to do what they are best at doing, success came like a waterfall. For context, I made the biggest salt sale ever in one order - 17,000 salts. That's over $75k, like a whole person's annual salary that we got in ONE client. All during a pandemic. If I could do this with salt, I have all the confidence that you can do just as well in your own business idea, as long as you are living out your own authentic truth - not the life of someone else.
It's just been over 2 months of the #100MaskedMen series for the Miss Amanda Chen Show Podcast and the biggest thing I've noticed is we all wear that mask, we all present ourselves as someone we THINK other people expect out of us. We're actually so scared of our own authentic selves because we've never given ourselves the chance to be ourselves. And the main fear we have is that no one will accept us for who we are, but if we never show it, how will we ever really know? Life is honestly too short for all of that and if you are feeling insecure about taking that leap, I hope you check out this inspiring episode.
I reference at 40 minutes the buffet story and choosing to show up first - especially as women who put others before ourselves, we tend to miss out on the whole buffet and show up and accept the scraps that we arrive upon. We unfortunately put our self worth into how other people respond to our actions, rather than being satisfied with ourselves and showing up and giving it our best effort.
Make sure to check it out and follow @innovativecoachbrooke for more thoughts on confidence and women's empowerment. Remember kids, collaboration over competition. We all grow together.
Don't be afraid to choose yourself and in choosing yourself, get the help you need from the right people. Failure is achieved alone, success is always achieved with others. And if you're ready to invest in yourself and become the best version of you, give me a shout. I have no doubt that it will be a life-changing experience where you unlock your true power.